Below you will find a selection of contact numbers, books, websites, information sheets and questionnaires that may be helpful before, during or after your treatment.
Emergencies ๐
In case of an acute emergency, itโs best to contact Emergency Services (112), the Brussels On-Call Service (02 201 22 22), or the Poison Control Center (070 245 245).
If you are not currently in treatment and are thinking about suicide or seeking someone to talk to, please reach out to the Suicide Hotline (1813, available 24/7).
Useful Flyers ๐
Online Questionnaires๐
Only to be used by patients already in treatment with us, for monitoring symptoms and treatment effectiveness.
Trauma & PTSD ๐
The Body Keeps the Score
Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Prof. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk (2016)
Traumasexuality – Men Abused as Boys, Men Between Victim and Perpetrator
Peter John Schouten (2020)
E-health ๐ฑ
- MoodKit
- HeadSpace
- Better Stop Suicide
- Quit That!
- iBreathe
- Happify
Depression ๐
Feeling Good
The Mood Therapy
David D. Burns (1999)
This Is Depression
A Comprehensive, Compassionate Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Understand Depression
Diane McIntosh (2019)
Unlearning Anxiety & Depression
The 4-Step Self-Coaching Program
to Reclaim Your Life
Joseph J. Luciani PhD (2020)
Adult ADHD ๐
ADHD 2.0ย
New Science and Essential Strategies for Thriving with Distraction – From Childhood through Adulthood
Edward M. Hallowell M.D. (2022)
Driven to Distraction
Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. &J ohn Ratey, M.D.
Women with Attention Deficit Disorder
Sari Solden, M.S.
What Does Everybody Else Know That I Don’t?Comprehensive social-skills guide
Michele Novotni, Ph.D.
The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD
Melissa Orlov & Nancie Kohlenberger
Useful links ๐
Apps for time management ๐ฑ
Emotional Neglect and Abuse ๐
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved
Lindsay C. Gibson
Running On Empty Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect
Jonice Webb
Self Esteem – 4Th Edition A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving, and Maintaining Your Self-esteem
Matthew McKay